1. Jin Yu, Sherry Hsi, Seth Van Doren, HyunJoo Oh. "My: Talkies: Designing a Craft Kit to Support Learning about Communication Devices through Making" In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC '22).
2. Himani Deshpande, Jin Yu, Akash Talyan, Noah Posner, Clement Zheng, and HyunJoo Oh. "Upcycling discarded HDPE plastic bags for creative exploration in product design" In Proceedings of the Design Research Society (DRS '22).
3. Jin Yu*, Prabodh Sakhardande*, Ruchita Parmar, and HyunJoo Oh. "Strawctures: A Modular Electronic Construction Kit for Human-Scale Interactive Structures" In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '22). [* equal contribution]
2. Himani Deshpande, Jin Yu, Akash Talyan, Noah Posner, Clement Zheng, and HyunJoo Oh. "Upcycling discarded HDPE plastic bags for creative exploration in product design" In Proceedings of the Design Research Society (DRS '22).
3. Jin Yu*, Prabodh Sakhardande*, Ruchita Parmar, and HyunJoo Oh. "Strawctures: A Modular Electronic Construction Kit for Human-Scale Interactive Structures" In Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '22). [* equal contribution]
1. Nivedita Arora, Jin Yu, HyunJoo Oh, Thad E Starner, Gregory D Abowd. "Saturn: Technical and design challenges of building a self-sustaining sound and vibration sensing material" ACM GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications. 23, 3 (January 2020), 28-33.